Essay on Census
Some of these cases are due to indirect early life decisions and the other due to medical procedures. Studies show that marijuana smoking and the use of steroids can often lead to low sperm count or permanent sterilization. Men can also have a procedure called a vasectomy done , allowing them to continue to have an erection while not ejaculate any sperm. Women are not excluded from fertility issues . Hysterectomies and having the fallopian tubes tied together with natural infertility prevent pregnancy, so little to control the population. Today, the promotion of new technology and practice of birth control helps maintain fertility in the United States , although this is not always the case. Birth control was introduced in the 1950s, during the baby boomer generation . Logically speaking you would think if there was introduced birth control during this generation , why is it called the baby boomers . You should also take into account the 1960 , which is also apart of this generation , in which the phrase to make love not war hip hippie . Sex during the 1960s was very casual and condom vsegdahip thing to use . Most recently, birth control is widely available , affordable and comes in different forms to suit all types of lifestyles. Places like Planned Parenthood, along with school sex education classes to make education , practice and use of birth control more widespread among teenagers, who make up a good deal of pregnancies.
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