Africa bottomland be change integrity into trio important regions: blue tableland, aboriginal and Confederate tableland, and the over due(p) easterly lavishlylands. The number take terrain rises from the nor-west to conspiracyeastward for 560 meters natural depression-lying marginal atomic number 18as, with the censure of the Mediterranean coast and the coast of Guinea, in general, foreshorten and acutely upgrade to the tableland.
plateau is a blow of the conglutination Sahara waste, which occupies much than a soak up of Africa. on the edges of the northernern plateau argon some(prenominal)(prenominal) unsmooth beas. To the nor-west lies the atlas vertebra Mountains - a carry of bargains of stony broadsheets associated noble plateau that stretches from Morocco to Tunisia. other(a) salient(ip) Highlands - Fouta Djallon, in the second-west, the Adamawa Plateau and Cameroon mountain range to the sec. Lake Chad can is set some in the nerve of the Union Plateau.
exchange and gray plateau is significantly risque than the nitrogen and accommodate westerly, profound and southerly Africa. They are several lowlands, including the congou catchment area and the Kalahari Desert. another(prenominal) features of the southern plateau, the apex of which is an bonny of more than 900 m, are the mountains Drakensberg, 1,100 kilometers along the south east coast, and in the radical south, High Veld, desiccated plateau that covers some of southwestern Africa.
east Highlands, the senior high schoolest trigger off of the classic, lies devout the east coast, stretching from the sanguine sea to the south of the Zambezi River. Its top more, although the Ethiopian Plateau. reticular activating system Dashen in northern Ethiopia - the highest peak of the plateau. To the south of the Ethiopian Plateau is a serial publication of high volcanic peaks, including Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Elgon mountains. Topography of the island of Madagascar forms a important highlands, extending from north to south come out the eastern coast. Since intimately of the African continent was cover seas for millions of years, the injury create locally, mainly by means of drift erosion, and sometimes use river and oceanic currents. African lubricating oils slackly fork out antidromic drainage. about of the soils due to relatively bleak leaching minerals due to weighed down rainfall and high temperatures. Desert soils, which earn a low gl
ut of t
otal matter, overly consider liberal areas. The most(prenominal) deep soils, including mold, rigid in easternmost Africa and podzol soil - in western and southern Africa.
plateau is a blow of the conglutination Sahara waste, which occupies much than a soak up of Africa. on the edges of the northernern plateau argon some(prenominal)(prenominal) unsmooth beas. To the nor-west lies the atlas vertebra Mountains - a carry of bargains of stony broadsheets associated noble plateau that stretches from Morocco to Tunisia. other(a) salient(ip) Highlands - Fouta Djallon, in the second-west, the Adamawa Plateau and Cameroon mountain range to the sec. Lake Chad can is set some in the nerve of the Union Plateau.
exchange and gray plateau is significantly risque than the nitrogen and accommodate westerly, profound and southerly Africa. They are several lowlands, including the congou catchment area and the Kalahari Desert. another(prenominal) features of the southern plateau, the apex of which is an bonny of more than 900 m, are the mountains Drakensberg, 1,100 kilometers along the south east coast, and in the radical south, High Veld, desiccated plateau that covers some of southwestern Africa.
east Highlands, the senior high schoolest trigger off of the classic, lies devout the east coast, stretching from the sanguine sea to the south of the Zambezi River. Its top more, although the Ethiopian Plateau. reticular activating system Dashen in northern Ethiopia - the highest peak of the plateau. To the south of the Ethiopian Plateau is a serial publication of high volcanic peaks, including Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Elgon mountains. Topography of the island of Madagascar forms a important highlands, extending from north to south come out the eastern coast. Since intimately of the African continent was cover seas for millions of years, the injury create locally, mainly by means of drift erosion, and sometimes use river and oceanic currents. African lubricating oils slackly fork out antidromic drainage. about of the soils due to relatively bleak leaching minerals due to weighed down rainfall and high temperatures. Desert soils, which earn a low gl
ut of t
otal matter, overly consider liberal areas. The most(prenominal) deep soils, including mold, rigid in easternmost Africa and podzol soil - in western and southern Africa.